Card Drinking Games
To play at College & House Parties
How to Shuffle a Deck of Cards
Come on, you can't play card drinking games without learning how to shuffle. It's rule number one. It's also a big party foul to mess up, and in many games, it's cause for drinking.
Ok, check out some of our favorites below. Drunk Uno is a classic. Waterfall is a disaster. King's Cup is one of the greatest drinking games of all-time. Just superb, round after round.
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Asshole, sometimes referred to as President, Assholes & Presidents, or even Scum, is a card drinking game where the...

Captain Dickhead
How to Play Captain Dickhead Drinking Game. This game can't elevate one person to being the worst human on the planet...

Circle of Death
Circle of Death is all types of endless fun.

Drunk Uno
Like the original game, only with a drink in your hand. Don't forget to call Uno when you're down to your last sip.

King's Cup
A Hall of Fame drinking game if there ever was one. There are variations, but King's Cup is the original.

Ring of Fire
You'll drink as much as Johnny Cash during a game of Ring of Fire.
Spoons is a low maintenance drinking game that if played at the right speed, will keep you entertained for an hour or...

Waterfall will get you drunk. Quickly. The game gets straight to the point, forcing people to ingest massive amounts of...