Hallmark Christmas
Every year Hallmark comes out with the same holiday flick, only just every so slightly tweaked from the year prior. Thus, you can bank on the Hallmark Christmas Movie Drinking Game to get you buzzed through your family's party.

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Before we get playing the game, give out two drinks if you'd rather be watching Christmas Vacation or Elf. Give out four if you'd rather be watching Die Hard.
Take One Drink
- Every time someone throws a snowball
- If the main character flys on a plane
Take Two Drinks
- If people go shopping
- If/when someone gets dumped
- If the main character flies on a plane from a warm climate to a snowy climate
- If the main character goes out of their comfort zone to do something "new" or "wild"
- If the main character has a dead close family member
- If there is a winter sport that the characters take part in that they have never done, or, forgot how to do (ex. Snoeshoeing, Sledding, Ice Skating, etc.)
Take Three Drinks
- During the lighting Festival or winter concert
- If a car breaks down in the snow
- If a Christmas tree is clearly over 8 feet tall
- If any character is an orphan
- If someone decorates a Christmas tree
Take Four Drinks
- If someone gets engaged
- If someone mentions New Year's Eve
- If the plot involves travely to another country/culture (we'll consider a New England going to the South applicable)
- If this is the first Hallmark Christmas Movie you've ever seen
- If you hate the cold
Finish Your Drink
- If the main character helps mitigate the fallout of a tragic accident
- When they finally kiss
- When the main character trades in their stuffy significant other for their new soulmate
- During the couple's final dance