Kegs! Multiple, cold and domestic. That's only part of what you need to play the PCU drinking game.

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Chuck, Porterhouse, Ribeye ... you ready to drink along with the foolishness of detestable sores known as The Pit?
Good. This game is for you.
Take One Drink
- Any time pre-frosh Tom is getting chased
- Each time Droz offers up a final paper to a student
- "We're not gonna protest" is said
- You hear the word, "Stomp"
- Anyone takes a drink or smokes
Take Two Drinks
- President Garcia Thompson says Moonbeam or addresses her
- When Droz locks everyone in the bicentennial ball with The Club.
- When Bantam Draper forces Rand to answer the security questions
- When Jerrytown calls Blotter into the game
- When Mersh realizes that
- Every time Rand tries to score with Garcia-Thompson
- When P-Funk changes songs
- When BD jumps out of the window
Take Three Drinks
- Gutter hits the floor on the silent stage dive
- When The "Persons" of The Pit realize they trashed the wrong beamer
- When the fellas of Jerrytown spin The Bee around
- When Tom knocks the plugs out and kills the power on the students writing term papers
- When Cecilia leads the drum-circled Womanysts away from The Pit
Take Four Drinks
- When they fire President Garcia-Thompson
- When Carter Prescott introduces himself. (he has the most Balls & Shaft name of the bunch)
- When Pigman discovers that Caine and Hackman are in the same movie
- When Raji & Deege get zapped
Finish Your Drink
- "Can you blow me where the Pampers is?"
All players must drink for the entirety of the meat-tossing incident.