How to Play Roxanne Drinking Game

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Roxanne is a song that was recorded and release by The Police in 1978. Lead singer, Sting, wrote the song in a Paris Hotel.
We're fairly certain that Sting, Steward Copeland and Andy Summers could not have known then that they had just created one of the very first musical drinking games that the world would know. In fact, this was the very first one we were introduced to back in college.
Equipment needed
- Drink of your choice
- A Music Streaming Service where you can play it directly
- A Subscription to SiriusXM - adjust your dial to Channel 38 (Ozzy's Boneyard) and wait. It will play. Eventually.
- Or, a CD Player and CD of the Album
- Or, a Tapedeck and a Casette Tape of the Album
- Or, a Boombox and just catching it on the radio old school
- 1+
- 2-6 is better
- 7+ makes it funny
Really, you can play this solo if you're that committed. Best to play it with a group of friends though. It gets quite dangerous alone. Play responsibly.
How it is played
- Set up two teams, one for Roxanne, and the other for Red Light
- Each team drinks whenever they hear their word: either Roxanne or Red Light.
- Play continues until the song is over.
It's a fairly simple game that may just get you wrecked.
How many times do The Police say Roxanne in the song?
The Police say Roxanne 26 times in the song.
How many times do The Police say Red Light in the song?
The Police say Red Light 25 times in the song.
How many total sips are available to take?
There are 51 total sips available in the Roxanne Drinking Game.
Is there an Alternate Version?
No, not officially. But, you could try playing the Roxanne Drinking Game set to Puff Daddy's 1997 Remix of the song. It featured String and Pras. It's not that great of a song, but you could try it out.