The Rules of the Shrek Drinking Game

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Before you play, hand out a drink to anyone who doesn't know that Eddie Murphy is the voice of the donkey.
Equipment to play
- Shrek DVD or the ability to stream it
Take One Drink
- Every time someone says Donkey, Ogre or Shrek
- Every time you see a new fairy tale character
Take Two Drinks
- Every time Shrek belches or farts
- For every joke that wouldn't fly in today's cultural climate
- If Donkey talks to himself
- Whenever Donkey sings
Take Three Drinks
- Every time you think of Fat Bastard from Austin Powers when Shrek talks
- For every adult joke
Take Four Drinks
- Every time Fiona does something unexpected. For example: fights well.
- If "true love" is mentioned
Finish Your Drink
- When Fiona turns into an ogre