Thanksgiving Drinking Game
A boozy way to enjoy Turkey Day with family and friends.

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Normally when we discuss a drinking game, we cover 6 typical rules to playing it. This includes the reasons why you need to take 1, 2, 3, and 4 sips of your drink, along with any situation that requires a social or waterfall.
However, Thanksgiving is a long, long day. As such, we're scaling back the rules of the game to only include 1 sip, 2 sips, and socials. That way everyone makes it through the last Thursday of November in check.
Take One Drink
- Any time someone complains about the food
- Any time someone starts a new political argument (not continues, just starts)
- If you hear the words, "Is Dinner ready yet?" or "I'm full"
Take Two Drinks
- If you're asked to be in the Family Photo (give two if you can skip it)
- If your NFL team is playing and they lose (give two if they win)
- If creepy Uncle says anything creepy
- If someone throws up from playing the Thanksgiving Day Drinking Game
- When the Thanksgiving Day Parade begins
- When the Thanksgiving Day Parade ends
Alternative Drinking Games to Play On Thanksgiving
To note, the NFL drinking game can be played on top of the Thanksgiving Drinking Game. Also note, we strongly recommend that you 21+ college kids do not return to your annual high school Thanksgiving day football game and start playing a drinking game. That said, it is an option, if legally allowed by your city or town.
- Apples to Apples (if kids are involved)
- Cards Against Humanity (if kid are not involved)
- Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Drinking Game (set up rules and consequences to what happens on-screen)
- NFL Football Drinking Game
If you're feeling mischevious, you can play a rousing game of King's Cup. But, don't do it too early, lest ye fall asleep before the stuffing and cranberry sauce.